Sunday, March 27, 2011

Major news

Film Row is perhaps evolving as downtown's most under-reported news story. Not blaming Steve Lackmeyer, OKC Business, the Journal Record, the City Sentinel, or any other news outlet, but simply put, there are two major developments that have me giddy, and should have every urbanist in OKC giddy as well.

#1. Bicycle lanes in the new Film Row streetscape. These are actually the first urban bicycle lanes in OKC, ever, and probably all of Oklahoma as well. Way to be progressive! This is an occasion.

#2. Film Row's first restaurant will be Joey's Pizzeria. It's going into the Film Exchange right next to the IAO Gallery. Joey's is currently at Classen and 18th.


Erick said...

I definitely think that Film Row has the potential to be just as nice as Automobile Alley. Just wish they would have done the streetscape all the way to Classen.

I'm telling you, Sheridan could be the "must see" street of the city within ten years, especially if the convention center goes on the east side of Bricktown.

Bradley said...
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Bradley said...

I would have loved to see the new streetscape go further too - heck I'd love to see it throughout all of the Film Exchange District's 42 square blocks! LOL! But I believe the reason is behind a combination of TIF and historic preservation. Historic Film Row only encompasses the 600-700 blocks of Sheridan Avenue. It may have extended slightly further east because the City views Walker as a new gateway into the downtown landscape after I-40's move. The current I-40 is supposed to be ground level at Walker when they are done. I also love that there are bicycle lanes but again, they are limited to Film Row for the moment. I'm very excited to see the entire downtown landscape changing. I like to think that our efforts served as the spark for the change overall. Rock on Doug!

NR said...

I think there might still be some uncertainty about what to do with the rest of Film Row, given how the City Rescue Mission just moved there. The jail is also a source of awkwardness to the north. I think these are reasons why there is no real vision for Film Row other than to revitalize some of Sheridan and hopefully Main, as well.

In the grand scheme of things though, not just to talk about the 42 blocks that make up all of Film Row, but also the incredible opportunities for integration with Core2Shore along the boundary of where I-40 currently is, as it curves northward. Beyond the current Crosstown is SW 3rd, another strip with incredible potential as a small historic district.