Thursday, February 19, 2009

The problem with the Upper Canal

I was writing a response in a thread over on OkMet about extending the Bricktown Canal to the Myriad Gardens (a GREAT idea in my opinion) and I was harmoniously letting my feelings flow onto the keypad of my laptop when suddenly I realized just what the problem with the Upper Canal is. Without much further ado I'll just post what I said over there.

Here the water just compliments the pedestrian path and makes it interesting, provides nice views. Instead the Bricktown Canal has the freeway mentality: the path on the side is kind of like a feeder road while the canal is the main draw. It should be the other way fact I wouldn't be opposed to not doing the water taxis anymore, especially if they should ever stop being profitable. But I am still totally in support of expanding the canal through the downtown area. That probably explains why a lot of the canal-front property has never been finished, despite all the potential.

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