Friday, July 17, 2009

C2S vision revised

Revised my C2S vision.

It occurred to me that while the Chesapeake Boathouse is on the west side of the Lincoln/Byers bridge, the Boathouse Row is actually going in across the bridge, on the east side, where I erroneously planned mixed-use development. It's for the better though because I knew that would be the one area of dead space anyway. There just isn't any great way for me to be inclusive with that area and have it develop in a way that doesn't feel disjointed with the rest of C2S. Developing a dense, historically-inspired single-family bungalow community is probably just the best use for that land, and of course, I made certain the inclusion of Boathouse row for real this time.

Another change I made was shortening the streetcar route. The only reason for this is just keeping it on one side of the highway, and that it probably made more sense to combine it with where the park is bisected by the Crosstown, to cut down on heavy-traffic crossings through the park. I wanted to include mixed-use development along the path of the streetcar route, especially when it cuts through the park, and I figured that made more sense on the north side of the Crosstown.

Another change I made, and this isn't really a change but just being clearer on the map, is redoing Shields Boulevard. Bringing it down and making it identical to the C2S boulevard. It should follow the recommendations that Speck had for Gaylord, making it pedestrian-friendly, rather than pedestrian-brutal.

I also went ahead and included the Skydance Bridge, which is already funded. It's just the green strip that crosses the Crosstown and streetcar path. That's about it. All in all a more perfect plan I think.

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