Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cityshot IX

When I came back home for the Christmas break, I journeyed down to Lawton (where my dad resides, retired from the police force there). I was also going to use Lawton as a subject for a large project I had in a city planning class of mine at U of C. The idea is to identify a neighborhood for historic preservation within set boundaries and determine the challenges for this particular area while also advocating how it could better be preserved. I don't know how anyone could be handed a question like that and not automatically think of Lawton, Oklahoma..probably next month when I've finished this project and received a grade on it, I'll post it in full on here including the pictures I took for it (if I post before then, though, it could look like I'm plagiarizing the Internet). For now I'll just say I sat down with City Planning Director, Rich Rogalski, and learned quite a lot about downtown Lawton, and also met with some architects who helped with the Fort Sill preservation. Obviously Lawton's situation is unique, as a urban renewal-aspiring army town that already tore down pretty much anything worth preserving in the 60s. The challenges are high, but the potential is higher. Good stuff, and I look forward to posting it up.

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