3. Come on Nick, tell us what you're planning. I mean Nick Preftakes, not myself. Years later I am still dying to find out what Nick Preftakes is planning to do with the entire block he bought up in the Arts District. I've been telling people it's going to be a game changer, especially with Devon Tower+park+retail+auditorium and the emergence of the Film Row area (which is coming along very nicely), the Arts District could potentially be unrecognizable if Preftakes announces a major development there. It will be absolutely essential that he maintains the historic integrity of the very-historic block, but there are some boarded up buildings there with some really amazing potential. It would be so worth it, especially when you look at the new lease on life the old Montgomery Ward building across the street got. The unfolding of these plans could potentially affect other things like the streetcar route. I've been telling people that I think the Arts District could potentially be a much bigger deal than it is now.
5. The Bricktown point is a great segway into parking. Simply put, two things need to happen: It needs to be expressly codified into the city statutes that new surface parking downtown will not be tolerated, especially in lieu of previously standing buildings no matter the condition of said building, and parking lot moguls in areas like Bricktown need to be shut down and put out of business. Tell them to take their business to Tulsa or some city that will tolerate that, but we won't here in OKC, because a few of us are actually serious about building downtown up. How do you shut down the Bricktown parking lot lords? Public parking, and that can be done extremely easy. Watch closely a project that is underway with Automobile Alley to re-stripe North Broadway and take away a lane, add a turning lane, and change parallel parking to angled parking which will allow them to squeeze in hundreds more parking spaces. If they went with angled parking along every Bricktown street that is free or metered, they could easily shut down the Bricktown parking lots because more than enough parking would be available for free on the street. This should also be pursued in other districts if the results in A-Alley are as positive as it could very well turn out.
6. Oklahoma City has failed to grow downtown housing to the extent that we had hoped we would have by now. This is a simple fact in spite of the other fact that downtown housing is slowly on its way to becoming viable, with several hundred downtown residents moving in and taking up urban lifestyles. It could be more, it should have been more. The 2005 Downtown Housing Study said there was 5-year demand for thousands more units than we ended up getting built between 2005-10. Another downtown study that came out right around there recommended taking several steps to incentivize downtown development. Virtually none of those steps, except for rezoning, were actually followed through with. I assume the copies of it at the Planning Dept got filed in the big file cabinet full of other ignored downtown studies and surveys and reports and commissions. But it may be time to develop a REAL program designed to result in a boom in smaller infill projects. This needs to happen now, so that we can fix the problem with demand, before streetcar comes on line and results in a huge boom in infill and therefor makes the appearance of a problem go away. If we get the streetcar finished without an infill program, the results aren't going to be as positive as it would be if we got the streetcar in and an infill program. We need to evaluate our goals from 5 years ago, and the results we got, consider why it ended up that way (and be open-minded to reasons other than the popular excuse, "It's the economy, stupid"), and get back on track to recover lost projected units.
7. I want to see Full Circle move downtown. They could locate smack in between Heritage Hills and the booming downtown residential market. Downtown residential markets tend to be filled with creative types with disposable income WHO READ. If they went into a beautiful old building like The Packard at 10th/Robinson they'd have the potential to be one of the absolute coolest locally-owned bookstores in America. They already are, the only thing holding them back is their location in crappy (and rapidly-emptying) 50 Penn Place. Enough said.
Well that's the Top 6 at least. Quick summary: 1, Plan OKC; 2, convention center location; 3, Nick Preftakes development; 4, Bricktown development; 5, angled parking; 6, small infill program; 7, Full Circle.
I am thankful for all the really good things going on in OKC, for being included in a number of processes unfolding around downtown right now, and it's also good to be back in town. If anyone's interested in meeting for coffee or lunch, feel free to let me know, I'm always excited to meet with fellow urbanists. I know this blog doesn't get a lot of comments by the nature of the things it talks about, but I do appreciate the people who read this and hear me out on the ideas I have. Merry Christmas to all!
Full Circle idea-Brilliant!!! I noticed Elliot Bay Books in Seattle just moved, due to the decline/rise in rent in Pioneer Square, which is in a lot of ways comaprable to Bricktown (I don't know how well you know Seattle, this might be all old news to you)-including a cheap/looked down on club scene.
Anyways, Elliot Bay moved to Capitol Hill, which is more dynamic, more residential, and still near downtown.
Full Circle would benefit sooooo much. And keep the fire places. Downtown would be well served.
I wish Full Circle could team up with the soon-to-come Elemental roastery and coffee shop on Hudson.
Amen on the parking lots as well, and the thoughts with Bricktown's parking are very apt.
I need to brush up on what exactly is happening (in the latest bits) with Core 2 Shore and the Convention Ctr. I have so far stayed on the surface only because of how little I care about another convention center, and how strongly (often irrationally) I want to bolster density and public transit. But all of it stands to affect years and years of OKC, and as you said-crappy development leads to future slums.
great stuff. here's to 2011 in OKC!
Thanks Dustin. I've been nagging Full Circle for a long time, I'm just afraid they'll go to your neck of the woods like every thing else. I'd heard Elliot Bay moved out of Pioneer Square, and I kinda think of it as sad. Not very familiar with Seattle itself, but I know from family that the Pioneer Square location had a lot of charm.
That's the first I've heard of a coffee shop on Hudson. Sounds like a cool thing, I'll have to ask around about that.
yeah, Pioneer is the oldest part of downtown, and Elliot Bay's old location was amazing (wife and I going back in May-we plan on moving there for a couple when she finished grad school).
I wonder how we can keep Bricktown relevant, without also making it too expensive. I think Thunder games help, and ACM as well (though i'm biased cause i teach there a bit), but good housing and limiting chains/misspelled on purpose clubs is another good step.
Well, that seems to be the only thing they can think of so far (= fail).
So, Elemental Roastery makes Cuppies & Joe's coffee, which I've always thought was meh, but decent enough. So they're opening a coffee shop on Hudson, eh?
also-is there a place to see some of what's going on in the Arts district. next to deep deuce, it has some of the coolest layout and location, and is head-scratchingly light on residences/retail, though there is plenty to do there. would love to see the Stage Center and Film Row all tie into the Arts area.
You know, you're absolutely right. That would be the best way to infuse life into the core of downtown..
I am really hoping that the Arts District can be well-served by the streetcar system. I've seen some route ideas out there that do an awesome job of including the Arts District and I've seen some that don't, so we'll have to wait and see on that.
Perhaps a new coffeehouse might help people to realize what a good part of downtown it really is. I know a lot of people are disappointed in the Legacy project, but I think it's the absolute best example of what we can hope for. Not advocating for impossibly difficult projects, but Legacy was an extremely tasteful and well-done project by our standards. Not what was originally proposed, but oh well.
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