Thursday, August 6, 2009

Response from Councilman Walters

First of all, I'd like to thank Councilman Brian Walters for responding to my email, which I posted for you guys, earlier. Mr. Walters outlines his concerns that the proposed streetcar is too expensive, going against principals of fiscal conservatism. He argues that college graduates won't stay "simply because we have a streetcar or other cool amenities."
Mr. Roberts, my number is [removed] and you can call anytime. My optimism or lack of has nothing to do with whether a street cars is cool but how it gets paid for. Everyone wants great things for OKC but reality is someone has to pay for it. $120,000,000 is real money and someone works for that. Public transit is not a right. I will challenge your assumption that college graduates will stay simply because we have a street car or other cool amenities. I think OKC should be the best it can be without changing what makes it OKC, we will never be NYC or LA and I do not want to be. I chose to stay and think this is a wonderful place to raise my family regardless if there is a street car or not. But please feel free to call if you would like. Councilman Walters
I realize you're not going to change the opinion of someone who is as strongly opposed to rapid transit in downtown as Mr. Walters, but surely it has to help to be showing that there is support for it, even within his own district, far South OKC.

By the way, if anyone wants to watch my speech to the City Council advocating for investing in downtown streetcar, go here. You'll have to fast-forward to the last five minutes..although I think people should listen to the discussion on the declining sales tax revenues, and the crazies that spoke before me.

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